Entries by Abid

The Deep Connection Between Trauma and Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental health issue that affects at least an estimated 1.6% of all American adults. It is a mental illness that affects a person’s ability to control their own emotions, which can result in impulsive behaviors, poorly developed relationships with others, and poor self-esteem. It is an issue that […]

Schizophrenia Art Therapy: Turning Creativity into Healing

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that causes people to think, feel, and act in abnormal ways. Art therapy can be transformative in helping someone with schizophrenia recognize, express, and process their symptoms with another person without having to rely solely on words. Schizophrenia art therapy provides space for difficult experiences to be seen in […]

Meditation Benefits for Mental Health: An Overview

The meditation benefits for mental health are compelling and increasingly noted by the mainstream medical community. Leading medical centers around the country, like the Mayo Clinic, praise the benefits of meditation for mental health for individuals who experience stress due to their mental health condition or simply as a fact of everyday life. Meditation has […]

Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: An Overview

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition defined by the National Institute of Mental Health as a disorder that “severely impacts a person’s ability to manage their emotions.” Intense mood swings and emotional outbursts can cause issues in the way they feel about themselves and their interpersonal relationships, and it can increase impulsivity. […]

Complex PTSD Symptoms: What to Look For

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) are related conditions, but the complex form is typically the more severe of the two. Complex PTSD symptoms tend to include common PTSD symptoms like flashbacks and nightmares. Still, they often involve additional symptoms such as difficulty connecting with others, feelings of guilt or shame, […]

Woman Praises Alter Health Group™ for Making “Your Experience at This Facility the Best It Can Be”

Dana Point, California — A former patient is enthusiastically recalling her experience at the Alter Health Group™ California Rehab Campus in Dana Point. “Absolutely amazing,” wrote Taylor, the patient, in a five-star Google review. “The staff is more than accommodating. They really make your experience at this facility the best it can be. They pay […]

Alter Health Group™ Awards Scholarship to California Student to Enhance Mental Health Awareness and Support

Megan Suh has been distinguished as the awardee of the prestigious Alter Health Group™ Mental Health Campus Partnership Contest. This competition called upon California students to formulate proposals geared towards enhancing mental health awareness and support among their peers. The initiative’s primary goal was to bolster awareness of the BeWellLine made available through a grant […]

Existential Therapy: Navigating Life’s Inherent Challenges

Key Concepts of Existential Therapy Existential therapy is a therapeutic approach to help individuals confront and understand existence’s inherent challenges and uncertainties. It allows patients to create meaning in their lives by focusing on choices they can make while taking a humanistic approach to being. One of the main goals of existential therapy is to […]

High-Functioning Depression: Essential Insights to Manage the Hidden Struggle

An Invisible But Serious Condition High-functioning depression refers to a depressive disorder that strongly impacts at least one area of your life while you are still able to function well in others. The term isn’t a diagnosis but a description of a subset of the population with a depressive disorder. If you are struggling with […]

The Role of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Treating Comorbid Disorders

Why It’s Important to Treatment Both Disorders at the Same Time A diagnosis of comorbid disorders means that you have two mental health conditions. You aren’t alone, as comorbid disorders are the rule rather than the exception in mental health diagnosis. As you seek mental health recovery resources, it’s important to find experienced and knowledgeable […]